There was a time when a three unit bridge was the most accepted replacement for a missing tooth. Few would disagree that an implant retained crown is today routinely the preferred method of replacing missing teeth. In the last few years the popularity of ceramic dental implants has risen. In fact nearly every major manufacturer […]
Category: Implant Practice
My patients don’t ask me about ceramic implants! Why do yours?
I have been placing ceramic implants for nearly 10 years. At the beginning patients were not asking me for ceramic implants, in fact at the beginning of my implant career I didn’t even know that anything but titanium osseointegrated. I started placing the ceramic implants because I saw something that could help me in avoiding […]
What is crestal bone loss, why does it happen, can we do anything to reduce it?
Crestal bone is the bone that lies around the crestal portion of an implant. It is the bone that is at the interface of the implant and the soft tissue and thus the bone that is the closest to the oral cavity. The crestal bone is typically a cortical hard bone and it is thinner […]
Why are you experiencing more implant complications than you think everyone else is experiencing?
We were all trained to believe that dental implant treatment is 96-98% successful and that implants last a lifetime…right? On Friday we sit at a lecture and see amazing cases with studies that show implant survival of 97% over 5 years in the hands of a guru. Only to return to practice on Monday morning […]
How do you differentiate your implant practice?
We all have a plethora of dental practices all around us. As a business we have a need to differentiate ourselves from the competition, which includes dental practices and other discretionary spending. I came up with a list of 5 ways of helping in making your dental practice stand out. Sometimes you only need one […]