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Titania vs. Zirconia Osseointegration
Osseointegration (from Latin osseus “bony” and integrare “to make whole”) is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. A more
The History of Mouthwash
Mouthwash has been used throughout the world for centuries, perhaps as long as man was able to rinse and spit. Hippocrates recommended rinsing with a mixture of salt, alum
Dental Implant Material and Design
The glorious past and the road to a tremendous future. THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICAL ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY, Winter 2015
Your cases don’t look like the ones on the podium! Why?
Throughout my dental career I have been taking CE. I’m a CE junkie! I have taken nearly everything out there. Early in this voyage I saw amazing cases on the
Dental photography, why is it so important for personal and practice growth?
The intraoral camera was a big deal 15 years ago as it allowed patients to see inside their mouths during a hygiene visit. This was a game changer as we
How to get the dream team?
Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team. -John C. Maxwell As dentists we all learn
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