Surgical and Prosthetic Comprehensive Training

Online curriculum satisfying the Royal College of Dental Surgeons requirement for dental implant education for those wishing to place or restore dental implants.


Ceramic Implant Dentistry

Complete Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry

Our Philosophy

Our goal at the Dental Implantology Center of Excellence Inc. is to remain at the forefront of Implant Dentistry through research, education and unique clinical applications. We provide comprehensive knowledge and surgical skill set development for clinicians to confidently perform predictable, prosthetically driven implant dentistry. Our surgical and technology based training programs provide a personalized, small group learning environment that fosters enthusiastic professional camaraderie.

Our Courses

Our curriculum focuses on Implant education but also includes educational objectives in Aesthetic Dentistry and Smile Design. It includes all the applicable knowledge and tools with which dentists can acquire the clinical skills to provide prosthetically driven, aesthetic oral implantology and oral rehabilitation to patients.

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Why Choose D.I.C.E

The Dental Implantotolgy Center of Excellence Inc. is an Academy of General Dentistry nationally approved PACE program provider.  

Our team of leading experts have extensive experience in implantology and are the recognized leaders in their fields. We take an evidence-based approach when evaluating technologies and techniques, and our courses present the latest knowledge on this ever-changing discipline. At the end of your D.I.C.E education, you will have practical knowledge that will be immediately applicable in your practice.

Our institute is unique in embracing the latest technology and its application to everyday practice.

Success Stories

I learned to better treatment plan and execute higher complexity cases. It was refreshing to not have to cut out time from my clinical practice to learn the didactic material as I had to with other courses. The mentorship from Dr. Hagi was the most invaluable aspect of the program. He came into my practice and guided me during the placement of several titanium BioHorizon implants.

DICE allowed me to acquire the skills needed to restore implants while not affecting the production or work flow of my office.DICE is amazing. It’s perfect for self-directed learners. Overall 10/10!

Glynn M.
Waterloo, CA
It helped relearn some concepts that were maybe forgotten over the years. [What was the BEST thing you got from this course?] The confidence!
Julie S.
Montreal, CA
I have the opportunity to add Implant dentistry to the list of achievements and feel more confident when I am talking with my patients. It has helped to improve my surgical knowledge and skills.
Shilpesh P.
Oakville, CA
The structure and online format of the course allows it to fit seamlessly into the busiest of schedules and provides the flexibility to relearn certain topics at the touch of a button. Dr Hagi and the team at DICE have my full recommendation.
Jonathan S.
London, CA
I feel a lot more comfortable dealing with implants and their potential complications and I am excited to start placing them. Take this course as soon as possible once graduating dental school.
Cameron H.
Kanata, CA
“I was able to do it so quickly and it was all on my own time, it was a pretty seamless integration into my day to day practice. Within a year of graduating I was placing implants. Also the price of the course made it more accessible too.
Steven I.
Chatham, CA
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