Success Stories
Anything he’s speaking about is relevant information that you need to know. It’s very comprehensive from single unit stuff up to full-mouth. This course would suit you because you will go back as you progress in your career and watch sections over again as you keep adding to your skillset . You start with the easier things and you move up from there. So you could use this content throughout your career as you grow I recommend this course to anybody that’s looking to get into implant dentistry.
Dr. Olivieri
Niagara Falls, CA
From a financial point of view, you make more money placing implants than doing anything else. The biggest thing it’s given me is I’m a lot closer to owning my own office now. I’m at the point where I’m trying to buy an office. But if I didn’t take the course and I wasn’t confident with these types of cases, then I wouldn’t be in the same position of looking to buy an office. I would still be working as an associate. It massively cut down the growth curve and the time that it would have taken to be in a position to buy my own office.
Dr. Schlesinger
Toronto, CA
I actually learned a bit more than I thought I was going to. Just in certain prosthetic considerations. Dr. Hagi just does a lot of this work himself so he’s got a lot of insight into more clinical tips and tricks I’d say. Secondly, you can re-reference it when you need to. The online lectures can be re-referenced which is massive for me. It let me become certified to do Implants without having to a) spend $15,000 and b) take 4 or 5 weekends of my life way. That’s huge thing for me.
Dr. Manchester
Waterloo, CA
I’m now able to offer my patients another service in implant dentistry. I’ve taken advantage of that in multiple cases and increasing my skill set. But personally I was able to be there for my [pregnant] wife and my schedule was able to proceed as usual. I worked it into my schedule. I now have a mentor in Dr Hagi and someone that can be reached out to. I can re-watch the lecture on a specific section if I have a certain procedure coming up. It’s been a great benefit for sure.
Dr. Sanderson
London, CA
Anytime you pick up the phone and you email him he is there to answer you. One of my first cases I did I knew he was going to be beside me, so that boosted my confidence. The best part of this course is you get personal attention to any case you want to do. So he would come and mentor you while you’re doing the implants. He would stand beside you and guide you during the whole surgery. I was quite confident to place those first two implants in his presence.
Dr. Parekh
Oakville, CA
There was a lull for me because I ended up getting married in the middle of it. It lets me do something that people are increasingly expecting to be a standard of care. Because I was able to do so quickly and it was all on my own time, it was a pretty seamless integration into my day to day practice. Within a year of graduating I was placing implants, which is not the norm. Also the price of the course made it more accessible too because a lot of them are very expensive.
Dr. Injic
Chatham, CA
Take this course as soon as possible once graduating dental school, take it slow, and expose yourself to implants earlier on so you can be more comfortable later on. I feel a lot more comfortable dealing with implants and their potential complications and I am excited to start placing them once I complete the hands on component!
Dr. Ho
Kanata, CA
Taking this course really pushed me to further my surgical skill training and was one of the reasons I pursued a specialty in periodontics. Whether restoring or placing implants, I’d recommend this course to anyone wishing to incorporate implant dentistry into their practice. The mentorship from Dr. Hagi was the most invaluable aspect of the program.
Dr. Malkin
Toronto, CA
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